Scotland has a deep-rooted history of invention and discovery. It is a country that for centuries has thrived on its ability to adapt to the changing pace of the world. The birthplace of the telephone, the refrigerator, penicillin, and even the theory of modern economics, we are a nation of entrepreneurs, blue-sky thinkers and innovators.
Innovation is, however, perhaps one of the terms most commonly bandied about in global business today. It has become something of a buzzword, perhaps even a cliché, but in practicality it is something that truly must be embedded at the heart of any business wishing to succeed in an everchanging economy.
It is not, however, a catch-all term. What innovation means to one business is not necessarily applicable to another, therefore there is a real onus placed on leaders to ensure that their strategy takes into account new ideas able to have a tangible impact on the way their business functions across the board. Innovation for innovation’s sake is not a viable way forward. It is in this vein that through this edition of Canvas we introduce two of Scotland’s most forward-thinking leaders and hear about the way in which they have incorporated innovative thinking into their business’ day-to-day functions.
We speak to Kate Guthrie, Group Human Resources Director at CYBG PLC, as she reflects on the challenges her organisation faces as it looks to create a digital first bank, head-quartered in Scotland. For her, people must be at the heart of a merger of this scale, and she talks about how technology has enabled her team to ensure that people across the business feel included and listened to.
Our second profile interview comes from Nora Senior in her role as Chair of the Scottish Government’s Strategic Board for Enterprise and Skills who shares her insights into ensuring that embracing technological innovation doesn’t come at the expense of the people who really are the beating heart of business.
Also in this edition of CANVAS, Business Psychologist Cassandra Woolgar explores self-awareness and authenticity in leadership. In our Team Insight section, we are pleased to profile Saxton Bampfylde Partner, Sian Carnegy-Arbuthnott as she shares her insights into the character traits a truly innovative leader needs to hold and where to get the best cocktail in Edinburgh.
Partner & Head of Scotland Office at Saxton Bampfylde