Regulation – 2024

Reg against the machine? Regulators and the AI revolution


AI surged into the mainstream media spotlight in 2023, permeating nearly every sector of the economy and society, sparking discussions far and wide. Initially greeted with enthusiasm, platforms like ChatGPT saw unprecedented adoption rates, reaching a staggering 100 million users within a mere two months. However, this initial excitement soon gave way to cautionary voices and serious warnings from industry and academic experts. Whether met with enthusiasm, ambivalence, or outright fear, the rise of AI left no doubt: the proverbial genie had been let out of the bottle. Now, the imperative lies in thoughtful consideration of how we choose to harness and regulate this technology, as well as how we collaborate to navigate its implications on a global scale.

In crafting regulatory frameworks for globally impactful technologies like AI, it’s important to adopt a contextual approach that takes into account the unique circumstances, environments, and regulatory philosophies of each country or region. In pursuit of this understanding, we conducted interviews across three distinct geopolitical contexts: the UK, United States, and India. Our conversations spanned a range of considerations, ranging from identifying key challenges to assessing current approaches at both national and international levels, with the aim of exploring how countries can work together better to regulate AI.

Our interviewees have varied professional backgrounds but share a deep interest and expertise in technology, with a particular focus on AI.


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Edition overview

Reg against the machine? Regulators and the AI revolution

AI surged into the mainstream media spotlight in 2023, permeating nearly every sector of the economy and society, sparking discussions far and wide. Initially greeted with enthusiasm, platforms like ChatGPT saw unprecedented adoption rates, reaching

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The genie is out of the bottle…and there is no going back

Interview with Shelly Palmer, CEO of Palmer Group

Shelly Palmer is the Professor of Advanced Media in Residence at Syracuse University’s S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications and CEO of The Palmer Group, a consulting practice that helps Fortune 500 companies with technology,

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A culture of collaboration

Interview with Kate Davies, Public Policy Director at Ofcom

Kate Davies is Public Policy Director at Ofcom, supporting Ofcom’s work across the communications and media sectors, and engaging with policy makers across the UK. Kate also oversees Ofcom’s work in the Digital Regulation Cooperation

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A world of difference: AI and digital revolutionary

Interview with Rohit Adlakha; former Chief Digital and Information Officer at Wipro Limited, currently a Board Member and CXO Advisor

Rohit Adlakha was previously Chief Digital and Information Officer at Wipro and Business Head at HOLMES™ (Wipro’s Artificial Intelligence platform). With over 15 years of leadership experience, he is a Board member at School of

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AI event highlights

Leadership in the age of AI Breakfast with Doug Gurr, Chair of the Alan Turing Institute Our Public Services and Regulation team hosted a breakfast session on leadership in the age of AI. We were

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View from the River: Team insight with Jim Zaniello

Meet Jim Zaniello, President of Vetted Solutions, a Washington DC-based executive search firm and a Panorama partner. Saxton Bampfylde was part of the founding group to establish the Panorama partnership – a community made up

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